Are We Losing Humanity?

Road rage.  It has become a serious concern, sometimes resulting in death.  Recently in Albuquerque, NM a four year old little girl was shot and killed when an angered driver pulled alongside a truck driven by a father taking his kids home from school.  The angered driver fired into the truck.  The child was struck in the head.

Internet bullying.  Too many people hide behind the safety of their computers, tablets and cell phones and throw out hurtful messages unconcerned with consequences.

When people are able to detach themselves from a situation and depersonalize it, often they show their ugliest side.  Where does their humanity go?  What happened to manners?

I find it very interesting to note the difference in one’s behavior when face to face.  For instance:  Grocery shopping.  Even in a crowded store, I’ve never encountered road rage with my cart.  People smile, say “Excuse me”, “Good morning”, ” Can I help you with that?”, and other pleasantries.  Why can’t we take the same courtesy to the road?  I’ve been with drivers who throw out every swear word imaginable. Why?   Does it make you feel superior?   We ALL make mistakes.  Getting upset over someone else’s only raises our blood pressure and ruins our day.  Showing patience and kindness not only makes us feel better but helps create a better society.