Guiltless Freedom

I’ve been reading other’s blogs as suggested in our Blogging 101 assignment. I discovered beautiful photos, interesting stories, inspiration, struggles, successes, sources of pride, and responses to Blogging 101 and Writing 101.  I’m enjoying the exploration. It’s always a comfort to discover others marching to the same music.

What actually inspired me to create another post? Several comments I read referring to experiencing guilt for no longer working.  This was said by folks who have retired.

That’s when I realized I must be marching to a different tune.  I had to retire a couple years early due to a bout with cancer.  I am THRILLED to be out of the work force. I had a wonderful position that afforded me countless opportunities for accomplishment.  But I worked hard and put in my time.  I can now look back, think about the things I made happen, feel that sense of pride and then be damn happy I don’t have to do it any more.  I have to admit, the transition was a bit challenging.  I found myself involved in volunteer efforts for awhile but realized my health compromised my ability to perform well.   I gave myself permission to say no.  The power to say no provides relief.  Freedom!

My time is spent the way I choose.  I still put in hours of work (not always 😜) but on personal pursuits. All those things I said I’d like to do if I had the time.  I tend to procrastinate at times, but who cares?  I have goals and objectives but the timeline is much more relaxed.  There are a lot of “buts” now and that’s OK. I give myself permission.  Freedom!

Another stage of life I experienced years ago was menopause.  Glorious menopause!  Many women are sad when it arrives as though it threatens their very identity as a woman. Is that the only thing that defines who you are?  I have never doubted the fact that I am a woman.  Freedom!

Three years ago I had cancer.  It was necessary for me to undergo two different chemo treatments simultaneously – treatments for the cancer in my body and another type of chemo for the mass in my brain.  They worked.  I had the typical side effect from all that chemo…I lost all my hair.  All of it.  On my head, arms, legs, face… everywhere.  Alas!  I no longer had to shave, pluck or curl.  I loved it!  So many women go through a mourning process when they lose their hair.  Not me.  I was not destined for the walk of shame.  I had done nothing to cause this, the loss was out of my control.  Relax and enjoy.  Be grateful for the treatment.  It sure beats the alternative.  Again, Freedom!  Just a note:  almost all my hair grew back.

There are certainly advantages to reaching this stage of my life and, of course disadvantages.  Each decade is a new experience.  Embrace what you can do and don’t sweat the stuff you can’t.  Enjoy the now and enjoy the Freedom!

A Record of Life

I’ve just signed up for WordPress 101. I’m not sure I’m ready. Perhaps a remedial WordPress 99 course?  Even though I’m not very familiar with blogs, the idea calls me. A few blogs that I have seen are full of inspirational thoughts and deep insights on mankind – neither of which are my intention. I don’t make claims regarding my writing ability. I do, however, feel that my life has been other than mainstream.

I am a non-Navajo living on the Navajo Nation with my Navajo husband of 27 years. My employment positions encouraged and allowed me to become very familiar with the land (27,000 sq. miles), the culture and the people. I have discovered things that visitors rarely see. I can appreciate comparisons between Navajo and mainstream America. That alone will provide topics for blogs.

Aside from that, I have interests that inspire me to learn and continue moving forward. The blog. One of my latest curiosities. A record of who I am, observations I have made, accomplishments (larger lifetime and smaller daily), frustrations, opinions…something somewhat tangible to recognize my existence on earth. Why do any of us feel compelled to do this?  Why start now?

I was brought to this site because I wanted to get a recipe I had created onto Pinterest. Now retired, I have more time to explore and enjoy cooking for my family. Not sophisticated cuisine, but simple, comfortable family meals and desserts. I was successful in my efforts to publish a couple recipes and get them pinned. Much about the blogging process alludes me.  I’m looking forward to the day when I can look back at this writing and see how much I have grown. A record of life. That’s what it’s all about.

Addendum:  I just read the first assignment for blogging 101. What a pleasant surprise to discover I had just completed it before I knew. My post reads much like the assignment.  It is apparent that we are mostly of like minds when we begin this process.  I have made a surprising discovery… I thought I was sharing my blog to others in the United States.  Alas, this is truly a worldwide audience and I have opened my blogging “gates” wider than anticipated.  I look forward to this worldly experience!  Hello, World!