First Snowfall

This morning I awoke to a white dust lightly covering the ground, the cars and my porch like powdered sugar that promises sweet things to come. This is our first snow.  There is always excitement for the first of anything.  I live on the Navajo Nation where weather is often the most exciting thing to happen, so when it happens… you’ll find me enjoying the view from the comfort of the WARM, DRY SIDE of the window.

First thing this morning, as is my usual routine, I went to let our dogs out.  I opened the back door for the line of four dogs anticipating their morning romp.  One look (or smell?) and the line backed up and reversed direction.  Sorry kids, you HAVE to go out.  They made quick work of it.

There is supposed to be precipitation off and on all day.  The temperature is too warm for the snow to continue.  That means rain.  And that means mud. Yuck!  I live on a dirt road.  I prefer to stay in but I have a doctor’s appointment and am currently in the waiting room.  A satellite provider service technician is at the house adding a new receiver.  Every time she goes out to her truck and returns, she brings in new tracks of mud.

I slid back into my usual parking place outside my home, taking care to pull up close to the sidewalk and graveled area so I don’t have to walk in the mud.  Life on the Rez has it’s primitive aspects…a source of frustration but also a source of beauty.  I complain, having experienced mainstream amenities for most of my life, yet this is the life I have chosen.  Obviously the good far out measures the lack of convenience and modernization.  This is my home.

4 thoughts on “First Snowfall

    1. I agree with you, although last winter was awesome. It was very mild 80% of the time, offering shirtsleeve sunny days with just a few short bouts of winter. Is it too much to ask for a repeat?


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